GISconnector for Excel Help

Transferring data

Transfer data between a feature-class or table and an Excel-table. The settings of the GISconnector for Excel enable a completely variable transfer of data betweeen ArcGIS and Excel. This means that data down to a single cell can be precisely transferred, in accordance with the settings and the data transfer mode (all, selected, or filtered).
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A connection between an ArcGIS feature-class or table and an Excel table must be available.
If you have not yet applied a connection, you have the following three possibilities for doing so:
The same workflows to establish a connection are available from
 the Excel side, too:
In order to transfer data, it is not necessary to start an editing session in ArcGIS.
You have three different options for transferring data:
Before you start the data transfer, you should briefly edit connection settings. If you would also like to transfer alterations to columns and rows, you should also briefly apply settings for this.
When you have selected your settings, click the button "Transfer all data" or, alternatively, transfer only selected or filtered data sets. (in accordance with the direction in which you wish to transfer the data, press the transfer button either in the ArcGIS-Add-In oder in the Excel-Ribbon)
If you transferred data from Excel to ArcGIS and at the same time for this layer an editing session is open, you can undo the changes made through the data transfer by pressing the "Undo"-Button in ArcGIS or stop the editing session and deny "Save changes". If you once saved your edits, undo is not possible anymore in ArcGIS. In many cases, you can still undo your changes in Excel and transfer again - with that hint you can still undo the changes in ArcGIS.

Important Notice:
In some cases, an open attribute table window in ArcMap will not be refreshed after transferring data from Excel to ArcGIS. This applies to Feature-Classes opened in different map documents at the same time and Standalone tables that are not joined to Feature-Classes. You can do a manual refresh by using the “Reload cache” option in the “Table Options” menu of the table window or by closing and reopening the whole attribute table window.


The speed of the transfer can be greatly improved by optimization. Read more about this in the chapter "Perforamce optimization".


The data transfer has not worked? Look here for trouble shooting.