ArcGIS "GISconnector for Excel" toolbar
Description and explanation of every button for the toolbar in ArcGIS.
Create data connection
Active connection
For the selected connection data and functions can be transferred.
Transfer all data
Transfer all attribute data from the connected feature-class or table to the corresponding Excel table. The transfer only applies to those columns that have been specified for transfer in the Connection settings respectively which the GISconnector for Excel manages for this transfer direction. If very large amounts of data need to be transferred, it is advisable to transfer only those columns in which alterations have resulted (see also "Transferring data: General Information").
Edit connection settings
Opens the dialogue "Edit connection settings". This represents the most important menu of the GISconnector for Excel. To understand how the GISconnector for Excel works, you should carefully read through the chapter on this dialogue.
Current layer
The layer to be used for the transfer of selections or definition queries to Excel is speficied in the drop-down menu "Current layer". All layers which refer to the same data source (feature-class that was submitted in the connection) are specified here. Each connection always has at least one layer belonging to it. For connections to ArcGIS tables the drop-down menu remains empty. If the same feature-class is added twice to the Table of Contents (TOC), definition queries and selections can be created or transferred separately for each layer. In this case, a choice can be made in the drop-down menu "Current layer" for which layer the selection or the definition query should be transferred to Excel.
Transfer selected data
Transfer filtered data
Transfer selection
The "Transfer selection" button transfers the selection of features from the selected layer to Excel.
A special feature of this function is the ability to select data sets in Excel that do not exist in ArcGIS. If no features are selected in ArcGIS and you press the button "Transfer selected data” in ArcGIS, those data sets are selected in Excel that do not exist in ArcGIS. Conversely, this works the same way. Basically this means, that you are able to compare your ArcGIS and Excel data with each other.
Transfer selection as filter
A special feature of this function is the ability to filter data sets in Excel that do not exist in ArcGIS. If no features are selected in ArcGIS and you press the button “Transfer selection to Excel Filter” in ArcGIS, those data sets are filtered in Excel that do not exist in ArcGIS. Conversely, this works the same way. Basically this means, that you are able to compare your ArcGIS and Excel data with each other.
Transfer definition query as filter
Remove definition query
With this button you can remove the definition query of the associated ArcGIS layer.
Switch to Excel
With this button, you can directly start the connected Excel file and activate the connected spreadsheet. If it is already open, the corresponding Excel window and spreadsheet will be activated.
Opens the "Export" dialogue. The attribute table of a feature-class or a table can be exported to a new Excel document or as a new spreadsheet into an existing Excel document. The export can be carried out in either XLSX or XLS format. On exporting, no connection is created. This feature is free, you can export more than 100 rows to a new Excel spreadsheet.
Manage connections
The "Manage connections" menu serves to administer connections between ArcGIS feature-classes or tables and Excel tables. Existing connections can be edited, deleted or duplicated .
In the dialogue "Settings" you can configure the basic and the default settings of the GISconnector for Excel as required.
Opens the GISconnector Help. You can also use our online help.
Tipp: In the Start menu under "GI Geolabs GmbH" you can also find the manual as a PDF document.
Opens the GISconnector About-dialogue with informations regarding the version and contact information to GI Geolabs GmbH