Deleting rows and columns

Objective: With the GISconnector for Excel, both columns and also rows can be deleted in both Excel and also in ArcGIS. In order to ensure that you do not unintentionally delete either rows or columns, it is advizable to gain familiarity with the relevant operating concept.
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The following generally applies
What do we mean when we say that the GISconnector for Excel is managing columns?
If the check box of a column is selected in the menu "Columns/Fields", this column is managed by the GISconnector for Excel, This means that the selected column is taken into consideration for the transfer. What do we mean by "taken into consideration"? If the column represents a data source for a transfer, "taken into consideration" means that the column will be transferred.
If the column does not yet exist on the target side and the settings were configured that "Those columns not available on the other side are to be created", an activated respectively managed column is newly created on the target side and the content of the source column is transferred to the target column.
Does it have a meaning when a column on the target-side is activated or is managed by the GISconnector for Excel?
Yes! If a column on the target-side is activated or managed by the GISconnector for Excel, this column can be deleted when transferring. The prerequisite for this is to have configured the settings such that columns that are not available on the source-side but which do exist on the target-side are to be deleted there. If a column on the target-side is activated or managed by the GISconnector for Excel, and if this column either never existed or no longer exists on the source-side, then this column will, subject to the settings, be deleted on the target side in case of transferring.
In summary
An activated column, or a column that is managed by GISconnector for Excel, can, in accordance with the transfer direction, be either a data source or a transfer target. If a column is to be newly produced on the other side, or if data are to be transferred for the column, the column must be activated on the source-side or managed by the GISconnector for Excel. Whether the column on the trarget-side is either activated or whether it is managed by GISconnector for Excel has no effect on the data transfer.
Whether a column on the target-side is activated or managed by GISconnector for Excel is only significant in the case where this column is not available on the source-side and should be deleted on the target-side in the course of the transfer. To put it another way: If a column is not available on the source-side and should be deleted on the target-side then this column must either be activated on the target-side meaning managed by the GISconnector for Excel.
1. Deleting columns
In this manner, you can transfer the deletion of columns in Excel to ArcGIS:
1.1 First delete a column in Excel
1.2 Be sure that the corresponding column on the target-side, namely in ArcGIS (in Excel the column already no longer exists), is managed by the GISconnector for Excel.
1.3 Now transfer your "data" using the button : Transfer data – even if essentially no data will be transferred – the relevant column is deleted for you in ArcGIS.
This also functions in the opposite sense, of course; i.e., from ArcGIS to Excel. Hence, if you wish to delete columns in Excel  that no longer exist in ArcGIS, select the relevant columns on the Excel page (target-side) and click on Transfer data in ArcGIS.
2. Deleting rows
Rows can also be deleted when transferring, specifically the rows on the target-side that are no longer available on the side of the data source. The prerequisite for this is to ensure that for the relevant transfer direction the deletion of rows has been activated in the connection settings. If you wish to delete features in ArcGIS when transferring from Excel to ArcGIS, you must additionally deactivate the so-called ‘safety setting’ in the Basic settings in the menu "Advanced" for deleting features in ArcGIS. In this manner, you can transfer the deletion of rows in Excel to ArcGIS:
2.1 First delete a row in Excel
2.2 Now transfer your "data" using the button : Transfer data – even if essentially no data will be transferred –  the relevant Feature is deleted for you in ArcGIS.
Hint: If you have started an editing session before deleting features by transferring from Excel to ArcGIS, you can use the Undo Button in ArcGIS to restore your feature in ArcGIS. To prevent the feature from being deleted again if you transfer from Excel to ArcGIS, you should select it and transfer the selected feature once from ArcGIS to Excel to restore the corresponding row in Excel, too. Alternatively, you can prevent features from being deleted in the Options dialogue of you current connection or you can globally switch on the security setting which generally prevents the deletion of features when transferring from Excel to ArcGIS.

This  function also works in the opposite sense, of course; i.e., from ArcGIS to Excel. If you thus wish to delete rows in Excel whose associated features no longer exist in ArcGIS, click on : Transfer data in ArcGIS and the rows to which no feature now corresponds are deleted in Excel. The prerequisite, of course, also applies here, that the deletion of rows from ArcGIS to Excel has been enabled in the Connection settings under Options.