GISconnector for Excel - User Documentation

Tab "Columns/Fields"

The tab "Columns/Fields" determines, which columns/fields are managed by GISconnector for Excel.
Tab "Columns/Fields"

Selection of managed columns/fields

1. Selection of managed columns/fields
The management of columns/fields is carried out separately for Excel and ArcGIS. If you select a column/field by ticking the checkbox, it will be managed by GISconnector for Excel. The content of a managed column/field can be modified and the field or column can be deleted. Moreover, the columns/fields can each be generated on the other side, provided that they do not exist there.
Non-selected columns/fields, which are not marked, will not be modified by GISconnector for Excel, which means, that the content is visible but can not be deleted. In case the columns/fields are not existing on the other side, they also can not be generated.
The following paragraph explains how the GISconnector for Excel deals with the transfer of data, if a cloumn/field has been selected or excluded from the management (not selected).
Scenario: column/field only exists on one side (Excel or ArcGIS)
column/field is managed or not managed
column/field will be generated on the other side
Scenario: columns/fields exists on both sides (Excel and ArcGIS)
column/field is managed or not managed
column/field is editable
column/field is deletable
(in case it has been deleted on the other side)

Important advice:
The functionality of the tab columns/fields has changed since version 3.0.
The differences between the new and old functionality will be explained here.


Formulas in Excel

2. Formulas in Excel
If a column name is colored in purple it contains formulas that only will be transferred from Excel to ArcGIS, not the other way round. The columns can not be overwritten by ArcGIS.

Excel primary key column

3. Excel primary key column
This column is very important for the data connection between ArcGIS and Excel and is independently managed by GISconnector for Excel. Alterations to the content of this column should never be made manually. If you are very familiar with the functionality of the GISconnector for Excel, you can modify this column in order to, for example, swap technical data between two ArcGIS features.

System fields in ArcGIS

4. System fields in ArcGIS
If a field is colored in grey it is a system field of ArcGIS and read-only. These fields neither can be modified nor deleted.