Quick Tutorial Format

To get started quickly with the GISconnector we are going to show you how to adjust the format in Excel to work with the GISconnector fluently.

Important advice:
You can use GISconnector for Excel Tutorials only if you have installed GISconnector for Excel version 2.3 or higher.


Learning objective

Aim of the tutorial is to illustrate the operating principle of the GISconnector regarding to table formats. The tolerance of Excel concerning formatting of tables is quite high compared to attribute tables in ArcGIS, which are database tables with strict format requirements. In this tutorial, we will show you where you must pay attention when formatting Excel tables to work with GISconnector for Excel successfully and without any trouble.


·     You are familiar with the basic functionalities of the GISconnector.
·     You can create a connection between ArcGIS and Excel.

Structure of the Tutorial

The tutorial consists of four assignments that will illustrate how Excel table formatting can differ from ArcGIS table formatting.