The GISconnector version 3.0 contains some limitations. Here you can find a description of these limitations and a solution.
If the text size of the Windows operating system is greater or smaller than 100 %, an unreadable display of the Excel toolbar can result in certain dialogues of the GISconnector for Excel.
Set the text size under System control → Display and adjustment → Display to 100 % (Standard)
ArcGIS layer with joined tables can not be exported to Excel.
Currently, the Export from ArcGIS to Excel operates on the basis of Feature Classes, not on the basis of layers. For this reason, it is currently still necessary to export the layer, including its joined table, into a new Feature Class and then export this to Excel, or to remove the connection or join, respectively.
The maximum number of transferrable Excel or attribute cells is limited to app. 1 million cells. It is ascribed to the internal memory utilization.
Divide the rows of your Excel worksheet into more than one worksheets and connect every worksheet with your attribute cells. Keep an eye on the correct configuration of the GISconnector.
All functions of the GISconnector for Excel are automatically switched off in layout view due to technical reasons. You can only administer your connections, export data, change the settings and access the manual in layout view.
Change to the data view.
Annotation Feature Classes are not supported
You can export the attribute table of the annotation Feature Class and create a connection with this table
The system fields SHAPE_LENGTH und SHAPE_AREA will not be transfered in SDE Geodatabase Feature Classes
Use File or Personal Geodatabase Feature Classes