Licence management
In addition to the GISconnector for Excel, licence management software of GI Geoinformatik GmbH is also installed. The licence management can also manage other licences of further software products beyond the licence for the GISconnector for Excel.
The authorization of the licence, which is necessary for the use of the full version of GISconnector for Excel, proceeds by means of the program “Licence management" from GI Geoinformatik GmbH.
Instructions for the authorization of the licence
1. The product key can be found on the delivery order or the invoice. Start the GI licence management in Windows via Start -> Programs -> GI Geoinformatik GmbH. The following Dialogue will open. Click on the button "Licensing..." and the Licensing dialogue opens. In this dialogue, click on the button "Register Product". The data-input window for the Product registration now opens. Input your product key into this window and then click on "Ok".
3. Now click on the button "Export..." in the dialogue "Licence management", save the licence file and send it under the subject "For authorization" as an E-mail attachment to GI Geolabs GmbH (
4. After buying the licence, GI Geolabs GmbH sends you back the authorized licence file by E-mail. This is imported using the dialogue Licence manager. To do this, use the import dialogue to select the folder into which you have copied the authorized licence file and confirm "Import". The licence management automatically recognizes if the file is located in the assigned folder. In the "Licence information" area of the licence management it should now be indicated that the licence is authorized.(Activated: Yes) Your full-version licence is now authorized. GI Geolabs GmbH congratulates you on the purchase of the GISconnector for Excel.
5. Restart GISconnector
![]() In case the GISconnector was started before licensing, it will be necessary to restart the GISconnector to activate the licence.
Information about the licence file
The licence file contains information concerning the hardware components of the computer from which this licence file was exported using the program “Licence management". In this respect, the licence file is bound to the hardware that was used at the time of the authorization of the licence. If the customer should change hardware components in an existing computer, the licence authorization can become deactivated. In such a case, the customer should contact GI Geolabs GmbH or his distribution partner. The same also applies if the customer would like to transfer the licence from one computer to another without requesting a multiple-user respectively a network licence.